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Deep family roots

The Manor House, with sections dating back to the late 12th or early 13th century, has evolved over time through various additions, reductions, and alterations, with significant changes made during the Tudor, Queen Anne, Regency, and Victorian eras. The most striking feature is the front façade, considered the finest example of Queen Anne Colonial architecture in Britain, constructed between 1714 and 1718 at the request of Sir Edmund Andros, the first Governor of New York. While many experts have speculated that the design may be the work of Sir Christopher Wren, who was active in Westminster at the time, there is no definitive proof linking him to the project.

Privateers & Bounty

Sir Edmund was remarkable man, as he was at the same time Lt Governor & Bailiff of Guernsey, Lord of Alderney and at one time or another Governor of North Carolina, Massachusetts, Virginia, New England, New Jersey and New Plymouth.


The House came into his grandfather's family via marriage and returned to the de Sausmarez family in 1748 by purchase. The money to pay for this came from the bounty of the capture of the Nusetra Senora da Capa Donga, the world's richest treasure ship. (See Philip de Sausmarez below)


Philip's father, Matthew, had several sons, one of whom, a doctor, was the father of James Sausmarez, later to become a distinguished Admiral and Baron and who was one of Nelson's Band of Brothers. Matthew was one of the first of the Privateers who used the Freeport in Guernsey to such great effect causing havoc amongst the French, Spanish and Dutch shipping when Britain was at war with them.

From Viking origins

The family sprang originally from Scandinavia and swept down through Europe finishing in the North of France, and being Norsemen, called that part Normandy. After 200 years they moved to Jersey, from where after a further 200 years, they came to Guernsey between 1200 & 1254.


Part of the family returned to France preferring their estates on the Cotentin Peninsular. Since then they have been in and out of the affairs of the island since holding such positions as Bailiff, procurer and deputy, as well as Hereditary Seigneurs and Echanson heredetaire du Roy d'Angleterre and Chatelaine de Jerbourg, with the job to keep the fortification in good order on the Jerbourg peninsular, more than once forming a safe refuge from invasion for the people of St Martin.

Philip de Sausmarez

Philip de Sausmarez led an extraordinary life, cut short by a French cannonball. Before his untimely death, he circumnavigated the globe—20 years before Captain Cook—helped capture the world’s richest treasure ship, and designed the first naval uniform.


His nephew, with the support of two wives and 28 children (18 of whom survived childhood), expanded the house significantly during Regency times to accommodate the growing family.


The youngest son, General George, having survived the Indian Mutiny, purchased the house from his eldest brother. He embarked on an extensive renovation, extending the rear by 6 feet, adding the Gothic hall and conservatory, and removing barns to create a tennis court, where part of today's Farmers' Market is held.

Find out more on our House Tours

Held regularly throughout the season, the house tours offer a fascinating glimpse of the illustrious family history told as you enjoy the beautiful period décor of this unique stately home.  

©2025 by Sausmarez Manor

Sausmarez Manor

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