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Subtropical Gardens

An award-winning paradise of the delightful and surprising

Nestled in a sheltered, wooded valley, and taking advantage of Guernsey's unique climate, Peter de Sausmarez has created a unique and unmissable selection of plants that are not normally seen at this latitude.

A Royal Horticultural Society Partner Garden and recommended by "1001 Gardens to visit Before You Die", "The RHS Garden Finder" go to some length to describe this very different garden and its unusual subtropical plants and shrubs.


"Which Gardens" "Country Life" and "Gardeners World Magazine" also recommend it to their readers.

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Every season delivers something different


To grow ginger (Hedechium), giant geraniums and echiums, palm trees in profusion, bamboos in great drifts, yams (Collocasia & Alocasia), several types of Banana and of course a variety of tree ferns and camellias galore, as well as Arum & Canna Lilies.

Just wander through the winding paths and jungle glades and soak up the glorious greens of the leaves and feel the better for it.

Each Season brings its own particular speciality...

SUMMER sees the end of the rhododendrons, the flourishing of the Handkerchief Tree (Davidia Involucrata) with the emergence of the Hebes, Fuchsias, lilies, and early  Agapanthas  the brilliant blue, pink white and some undecided Hydrangeas, the Drymis Winterii, Crinodendron Hookerianums,Clethera (Lily of the Valley Tree),and early Cyclamen, Arum Lilies, Hedechiums, Arbutilons and Crinums are flowering. Now is the time when the foliage of the various Tree Ferns, drifts of Bamboos, Palms and Banana trees are at their most luxuriant and vigorous best. If it is a good summer the Brugmansias and Bromeliads enchant.

AUTUMN sees swathes of cyclamen and the Hydrangeas in all their colours continue right on through to Christmas Arbutilons in variety, Fatsias, autumn Flowerig Camellias the Jersey Lily (Amarillis Belladona) and slightly later the Guernsey Lily (Nerine Sarniensis) occasionally makes an appearance. Autumn is the time for the dramatically veined leaves of the Arum Italicum Pictum of which there some interesting varieties. All the different Fuchsias seem to just go on and on, Ginger lilies in variety, and the onrush of early Camellias.

WINTER, the Winter glory of the Arum Italicum Pictum  is swiftly over shadowed by the different Snow Drops, early Narcisus, and early Spring drifts of Cyclamen, more Camellias (over 100). One keeps going into August and in 2010 right into September. Actually this oddity is just out side the estate office. Helebores followed by Blue Bells (in blue, pink and white).

SPRING, this is the time when the Blue Bells as well as the pink and white ones hold sway till they are in turn overshadowed by all the different daffodils claiming their slot before the leaves of the giant Hostas cover their stems. The Treeferns show they have not really been dormant and the Early Bamboos start to show their growth, there are around 40 types from dwarfs 20"(50cms) tall to towering giants of 30'(10m) with green, black yellow , golden, and variegated stems, some gleamingly smooth and others soft and furry.  The Gunnera unfurl their unrealistic 5' leaves, the Tree Fuchsias Excortica (25', 8m tall ) reveal their tiny inky blue/green gems of flowers, astonishingly growing straight from their cinnamon coloured branches. Azaleas early Rhododendrons , The astonishingly fast growing Giant Echium (Echium Peninana) starts its headlong spurt of growth of 6-10'(2-3.5m) of growth in little over a month  

Sitting Spiritually Swing Bench

This beautiful swing bench was crafted by Sitting Spiritually of Lyme Regis, the only bespoke swing and bench maker endorsed by the RHS.

The bench was donated to Sausmarez Manor in 2021 and is placed on the small Pitch & Putt lawn to the back of the Manor so that visitors can sit and enjoy a peaceful daydream.  T: 01297 443084

Opening Times

Opening Times

Open daily, all year round (except around Christmas)

10.00 am – 5.00 pm


Wheelchair access is available for most of the trail but is not suitable following a lot of rain or high winds.


Entrance Fee covers access to the Subtropical Garden, Sculpture Park and Nature Trail (all one and the same place): 

Adults:                         £7.00
Senior Citizens:           £6.00
Students:                     £5.00
Children under 14:      £3.00
Children under 3:       FREE
Disabled:                     FREE
2 adults +2 children:  £18.00

Large Groups

Please contact us: 

Tel:                           +44 (0)1481 235571

We also have House Tours

Held regularly throughout the season, the house tours offer a fascintaing glimpse of the illustrious family history, told as you enjoy the beutiful period decor of this unique stately home.  

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